TLC @ McGill University

Technology, Learning, & Cognition

Why This App?

Ratings and Rankings

Aside from benchmarks and buzzwords found in the written description of an app page, educational app pages in app stores also include user ratings and reviews, and rankings on the "top charts" for apps in the education category. These ratings and rankings act as an indication of how others have evaluated the app. 

Our research investigates whether ratings and rankings influence educators' and parents' app selection, and whether educators still look for benchmarks when information about ratings and rankings is present. 

Related Publications

Why this app: Do App Store ratings, rankings, and educational features affect parents’ app selection?

A. Montazami, E. Liptrot, H.A. Pearson, A. K. Dubé

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, 2024

Why this app? How user ratings and app store rankings impact educators' selection of educational apps

E. Liptrot, H.A. Pearson, A. Montazami, A.K. Dubé

Computers & Education, vol. 218, 2024, p. 105080

Why this app? How ratings and rankings impact educators’ selection of high-quality educational apps

E. Liptrot, H. A. Pearson, A. Montazami, A. K. Dubé

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, 2024