TLC @ McGill University

Technology, Learning, & Cognition

Chu Xu

Phd Candidate

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP), Learning Sciences program at McGill University. I am interested in using digital games to facilitate learning, especially for the influences of complex simulation/adventure games on the cognitive strategies/processes during learning. My long-term goal is to explore the full potentials of digital games in learning and to contribute to a more beneficial gaming world for young students.

Email: [email protected]

Master of Science, Fundamental Psychology, Beijing Normal University (China)

Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Beijing Normal University (China)

Discovery Tour Curriculum Guides

World's first interactive, gaming curriculum guides for teachers.

How teachers’ user experience of digital curriculum resources impacts acceptance of game-based learning and teaching

R. Sharma, C. Tan, D. Gomez, C. Xu, A.K. Dubé

American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2024

Discovery Tour Curriculum Guides to Improve Teachers' Adoption of Serious Gaming

C. Xu, R. Sharma, A.K. Dubé

E. Champion, J. Francisco Hiriart Vera, Assassin’s Creed in the Classroom History’s Playground or a Stab in the Dark?, 2023, pp. 35-64

Le Discovery Tour Ancient Greece en classe : le point de vue d’une enseignante, une chercheuse et un chercheur

J. Brisson, C. Xu, A.K. Dubé

Les usages pédagogiques des jeux vidéos Assassin's Creed, Presses de l'Université Laval 2023, 2023

Discovery Tour Game Curriculum Guides for Teachers: Assassin’s Creed

C. Xu, R. Sharma

Antiquity in Media Studies Conference, 2022

Identifying quality educational apps: Lessons from ‘top’ mathematics apps in the Apple App store

A.K. Dubé, G. Kacmaz, R. Wen, S. Alam, C. Xu

Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education, vol. 25, 2020, pp. 5389-5404

Tablets as elementary mathematics education tools: Are they effective and why

A.K. Dubé, S.S. Alam, C. Xu, R. Wen, G. Kacmaz

Mathematical learning and cognition in early childhood: Integrating …, 2019, pp. 223-248

Tablets as Elementary Mathematics Education Tools: Are They Effective and Why

A.K. Dubé, S. Alam, C. Xu, R. Wen, G. Kacmaz

Mathematical Learning and Cognition in Early Childhood, 2019, pp. 223-248